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Learn more about Mary Slavens

Meet Mary

Direct: (574) 498-2366

I’ve lived in the Michiana area for a little over twenty years and have seen many changes in the community over that time. Being a social worker over the past ten years has given me a lot of insight of how to form connections with families by truly listening to them. Part of the process I engage in with families that I serve is working with them on goals that they want to achieve. I’ve gone on the journey of finding our perfect home and personally know that the process can have some bumps along the way. Becoming a homeowner is an amazing goal to achieve and I want to help guide you through that process along with help from the experienced team here at Inspired Homes!

Our Charities

Inspired to Serve

For this months of February and March we will be learning about She Found His Grace. She Found His Grace: Abortion Recovery offers a safe, faith-based space for healing after abortion. Find hope, restoration, and freedom through God’s grace. Online or in-person classes available. You can make a difference by praying for, donating and learning more about what She Found His Grace does in our community. Remember, at Inspired, it's all about YOU means it’s all about others.
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Limits Life Love

Limits Life and Love

Founded by Inspired’s Diane Bennett, Limits Life and Love is a program that was developed to support charities who strive to reduce unplanned pregnancies.
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Life Inspired

Life…Inspired Show

Have you ever experienced a life event that changed everything? Join us as we talk about “dot dot dot moments” and share testimonies on our Life…Inspired show!
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Buying or Selling? We've Got Your Back!

If you're thinking about making a move soon, let's start a conversation! We're in the business of streamlining every step of your real estate journey.
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Step 1

Book a Consultation

Clipboard with checkboxes

Step 2

Market Preparation

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Step 3

Celebrate Your Successful Closing

Take The First Step

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